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Les articles et les livres de cette liste ont tous été utiles à l'élaboration du logiciel PhyloGraphe. Les PDF de ces articles et de certains livres sont disponibles gratuitement à l'intention des enseignants et des étudiants qui voudraient approfondir ces sujets.

La non-polarisation à priori des caractères

Meacham C.A. (1984). The Role of Hypothesized Direction of Characters in the Estimation of Evolutionary History. Taxon, 33(1):26-38. Ouvrir

Meacham C.A. (1986). More about Directed Characters: A Reply to Donoghue and Maddison. Taxon, 35(3):538-40. Ouvrir

Nixon K.C., et Carpenter J.M. (1993). On outgroups. Cladistics, 9(4):413-426. Ouvrir

Sneath P.H.A. (1995). Thirty Years of Numerical Taxonomy. Syst Biol, 44(3):281-98. Ouvrir

Nixon K.C., et Carpenter J.M. (2012). On homology. Cladistics, 28(2):160-9. Ouvrir

Nixon K.C., et Carpenter J.M. (2012). More on homology. Cladistics, 28(3):225-6. Ouvrir

Nixon K.C., et Carpenter J.M. (2012). More on errors. Cladistics, 28(5):539-44. Ouvrir

Nixon K.C., et Carpenter J.M. (2013). More on absences. Cladistics, 29(1):1-6. Ouvrir

Le codage des caractères

Hawkins J.A., Hughes C.E., et Scotland R.W. (1997). Primary Homology Assessment, Characters and Character States. Cladistics, 13(3):275-83. Ouvrir

Strong E.E., et Lipscomb D. (1999). Character Coding and Inapplicable Data. Cladistics, 15(4):363-71. Ouvrir

Simmons M.P., et Ochoterena H. (2000). Gaps as Characters in Sequence-Based Phylogenetic Analyses. Syst Biol, 49(2):369-81. Ouvrir

Brazeau M.D. (2011). Problematic character coding methods in morphology and their effects. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 104(3):489-98. Ouvrir

Le mappage des caractères sur les cladogrammes

Farris J.S. (1970). Methods for Computing Wagner Trees. Syst Zool, 19(1):83-92. Ouvrir

Fitch W.M. (1971). Toward Defining the Course of Evolution: Minimum Change for a Specific Tree Topology. Syst Zool, 20(4):406-16. Ouvrir

Sankoff D., et Rousseau P. (1975). Locating the vertices of a Steiner tree in an arbitrary metric space. Math Program, 9(1):240-6. Ouvrir

Swofford D.L., Maddison W.P. (1987). Reconstructing ancestral character states under Wagner parsimony. Math Biosci, 87(2):199-229. Ouvrir

Brazeau M.D., Guillerme T., et Smith M.R. (2019). An algorithm for Morphological Phylogenetic Analysis with Inapplicable Data. Syst Biol, 68(4):619–31. Ouvrir

L'analyse de compatibilité et le critère de parcimonie

Meacham C.A. (1981). A Manual Method for Character Compatibility Analysis. Taxon, 30(3):591-600. Ouvrir

Meacham C.A., et Estabrook G.F. (1985). Compatibility Methods in Systematics. Ann Rev Ecol Syst, 6:431-46. Ouvrir

Prager E.M., et Wilson A.C. (1988). Ancient Origin of Lactalbumin from Lysozyme: Analysis of DNA and Amino Acid Sequences. J Mol Evol, 27(4):326-35. Ouvrir

Farris J.S. (1989). The retention index and the rescaled consistency index. Cladistics, 5(4):417-9. Ouvrir

Estabrook G.F. (2008). Fifty years of character compatibility concepts at work. J Syst Evol, 46(2):109-29. Ouvrir

Scotland R.W., et Steel M. (2015). Circumstances in Which Parsimony but not Compatibility will be Provably Misleading. Syst Biol 64(3):492–504. Ouvrir

Goloboff P.A., et Arias J.S. (2019). Likelihood approximations of implied weights parsimony can be selected over the Mk model by the Akaike information criterion. Cladistics 35(6):695-716. Ouvrir

Les distances phylogénétiques

La distance AAF (basée sur les k-mères)

Fan H., Ives A.R., Surget-Groba Y., et Cannon C.H. (2015). An assembly and alignment-free method of phylogeny reconstruction from next-generation sequencing data. BMC Genomics, 16:522. Ouvrir

La distance LogDet

Lockhart P.J., Steel M.A., Hendy M.D., et Penny D. (1994). Recovering evolutionary trees under a more realistic model of sequence evolution. Mol Biol Evol, 11(4):605-12. Ouvrir

Tamura K., et Kumar S. (2002). Evolutionary distance estimation under heterogeneous substitution pattern among lineages. Mol Biol Evol, 19(10):1727-36. Ouvrir

Thollesson M. (2004). LDDist: a Perl module for calculating LogDet pair-wise distances for protein and nucleotide sequences. Bioinformatics, 20(3):416-18. Ouvrir

La distance JC69

Jukes T.H., et Cantor C.R. (1969). Evolution of Protein Molecules. In: Munro H.N. (Ed.), Mammalian Protein Metabolism, Academic Press, vol 3, 21-132. Ouvrir

La distance K2P

Kimura M. (1980). A Simple Method for Estimating Evolutionary Rates of Base Substitutions Through Comparative Studies of Nucleotide Sequences. J Mol Evol, 16(2):111-20. Ouvrir

La distance T92

Tamura K. (1992). Estimation of the Number of Nucleotide Substitutions When There Are Strong Transition-Transversion and G+C-Content Biases. Mol Biol Evol, 9(4):678-87. Ouvrir

La distance F84

Tateno Y., Takezaki N., et Nei M. (1994). Relative efficiencies of the maximum-likelihood, neighbor-joining, and maximum-parsimony methods when substitution rate varies with site. Mol Biol Evol, 11(2):261-77. Ouvrir

La distance TN93

Tamura K., et Nei M. (1993). Estimation of the Number of Nucleotide Substitutions in the Control Region of Mitochondrial DNA in Humans and Chimpanzees. Mol Biol Evol, 10(3):512-26. Ouvrir

La distance empirique de Kimura

Kimura M. (1983). The Neutral Theory of Molecular Evolution, Cambridge University Press, 367 pages. Ouvrir
(la formule se trouve à la page 75)

La distance Scoredist

Henikoff S., et Henikoff J.G. (1992). Amino acid substitution matrices from protein blocks. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 89(22):10915-19. Ouvrir

Jones D.T., Taylor W.R., et Thornton J.M. (1992). The rapid generation of mutation data matrices from protein sequences. Bioinformatics, 8(3):275-82. Ouvrir

Sonnhammer E.L.L., et Hollich V. (2005). Scoredist: A simple and robust protein sequence distance estimator. BMC Bioinformatics, 6:108. Ouvrir

La construction de dendrogrammes d'après des distances

Sneath P.H.A., et Sokal R.R. (1973). Numerical Taxonomy: The Principles and Practice of Numerical Classification, 2e éd., San Francisco : W.H. Freeman, 573 pages.

Saitou N., et Nei M. (1987). The Neighbor-Joining Method: A New Method for Reconstructing Phylogenetic Trees. Mol Biol Evol, 4(4):406-25. Ouvrir

Gascuel O. (1994). A note on Sattath and Tversky's, Saitou and Nei's, and Studier and Keppler's algorithms for inferring phylogenies from evolutionary distances. Mol Biol Evol 11(6):961-3. Ouvrir

Gascuel O., et Steel M. (2006). Neighbor-Joining Revealed. Mol Biol Evol 23(11):1997–2000. Ouvrir

Tria F.D.K., Landan G., et Dagan T. (2017). Phylogenetic rooting using minimal ancestor deviation. Nat Ecol Evol 1:0193. Ouvrir

Les formats de données

Maddison D.R., Swofford D.L., et Maddison W.P. (1997). Nexus: An Extensible File Format for Systematic Information. Syst Biol, 46(4):590-621. Ouvrir

Ouvrages généralistes

Aubert D. (2017). Classer le vivant - Les perspectives de la systématique évolutionniste moderne, Éditions Ellipses, 498 pages. Voir les détails